Our Code of Conduct

For us to hold truly generative spaces, Turning Ground operates with clear boundaries and agreements so that everyone feels safe and welcome to share themselves as fully and authentically as possible. This code of conduct applies to all programs offered by Turning Ground.

Turning Ground's Code of Conduct:

Authenticity: Being ourselves, speaking what is true for us. Sharing from our own experience and knowledge. Not being here to impress anyone.

Emotions: Being natural with our rich and complex emotions. Letting them flow if they arise, and allowing others to be in their emotions without needing to ‘fix’ anyone.

Difference: Creating room for a deeper conversation that includes all our diverse perspectives. Opposition, disagreement and even conflict are part of life, let’s learn to be with it all in a generative way.

Fumbling: Courageously exploring what is good and true. Sometimes this involves stumbling through what might be considered taboo or even offensive to some. As long as we hold respectful intentions, fumbling is okay.

Everyone's Voice Matters: Being self-aware of how much we are contributing to the group. Am I taking up too much space? Maybe I need to give others a chance to share. Am I holding back and avoiding sharing? Maybe I do have something valuable to contribute.

Self-Responsibility: Understanding our own boundaries and limits when it comes to delving into vulnerable personal content or emotions. Not participating in something if it doesn’t feel right. Taking care of ourselves. Asking for support if we need it.

Confidentiality: Any personal content that another chooses to share with us is to remain confidential unless we have permission to share it. This includes sharing to others in the group, and to the outside world.

Unacceptable Behaviours:

Intentionally harmful verbal comments towards another including as related to gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, race, ethnicity, age, political affiliation, or religion.

Crossing physical boundaries or touching another without consent.

Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning conduct.

We’re all responsible, all of the time, to take positive action in response to unacceptable behaviours.