We offer intimate journeys into deep inquiry, transformation and flourishing.
For leaders seeking to grow their capacity to create deeper and more meaningful cultural change.
For those seeking personal healing, transformation, and a supportive community.
For those making sense of their life’s purpose in this time of flux.
As we equip individuals with larger capacities, and reweave a sense of togetherness, our potential to create positive inner and outer change emerges.
Our Programs
Strengthening the Heart - Growing together in the face of suffering.
How can we expand our capacity to show up for this world wholeheartedly, even in the face of difficulty, cruelty, suffering and pain?
How might we challenge ourselves to include everyone within our circle of compassion? Even the most difficult and seemingly undeserving people? Even ourselves?
What would life feel if we had a genuinely loving and caring internal dialogue with ourselves? If it was not imbued with shame, guilt or fear?
To see upcoming programs and to apply, see the form below:
Upcoming dates for programs can be found inside the form at the ‘I am applying for the following program:’ page within the form.
Join us in Co-creation
We are always in the listening and sensing into the challenges, needs, and desires of our community, so that we may respond with truly meaningful offerings. Your voice will guide us in our design of our programs.
If you would like to offer us insight into what you would find most supportive, please head over to our Sensing Portal.
Join us in reciprocity, where we can create more beautiful lives. Together.