
We offer events and programs that nourish the grounds for a more beautiful world to emerge

Our Programs

We offer intimate journeys of growth and learning with small groups.

Communication in Times of Conflict

Learning the art of communication in the presence of conflict and difference.

Offering practical skills for navigating conflict: political/ideological and interpersonal. A skills based program which includes experiential learning through role-plays, self-reflective practices and group discussions.

In collaboration with Initiatives of Change Australia

Upcoming Events

We offer the grounds to gather and reweave our belonging to life.

We are Listening.

Join us in co-creation.

We are always in the listening and sensing into the challenges, needs, and desires of our community, so that we may respond with truly meaningful offerings. Your voice will guide us in our design of our programs.

If you would like to offer us insight into what you would find most supportive, please head over to our Sensing Portal. 

Join us in reciprocity, where we can create more beautiful lives. Together.