Our Community of Resonance
Tending to the room between us.
The answers are in us, in our relationships, and in the room between.
The room where we gather.
The room where we share.
The room where we unearth our potential.
The room where our challenges exist, in company with our solutions.
The room from which we evolve.
Upcoming Events
From community dialogues, to long-table dinners…
We bring people together to create a community of resonance around restoration, belonging and deepening our participation in this life. We offer an ecology of events focused on restoring and tending to our various relationships
- with ourselves, between each other, and throughout the living world.
We create room to heal, transform and grow.
From dialogues focused on pressing cultural issues, to ancient spiritual practices.
From psychoeducational and emotional resourcing, to playful creative explorations.
From potluck dinners, to day-trips in nature.
Join our email list to be the first to know of events as they are released.
We are Listening.
This is a co-creation.
What kinds of community gatherings, events, and educational experiences would you need in this time?
Please head over to our Sensing Portal and fill out our Listening Survey. We would love to hear from you, to listen to the challenges you face, and craft our offerings to meet your deepest needs.